Environmental Intelligence, LLC, is proud to announce that on October 1, 2015, we opened a new regional office within the Global Marine Fine Arts Building located at 811 West 7th Street to better serve our clients in Los Angeles County.
The office is located in the heart of the downtown financial district and is staffed with biologists, wetland specialists, and CEQA/NEPA experts to help meet our clients’ environmental consulting and regulatory permitting needs.
The office is led by EI’s Senior Project Manager Stephen Reynolds, a 14-year environmental professional and senior wetland specialist. According to Stephen: “EI’s new office space will allow us to increase our presence and client diversity in Los Angeles County and expand our core service teams. This move represents EI’s commitment to respond to our client’s needs and provide solutions that drive their operational success. Our staff is excited about the location and enthusiastic about the potential growth opportunities.”
To learn more about our services at the new Los Angeles office or to arrange a visit please contact Mr. Stephen Reynolds at (562) 980-6415 or by email at stephenreynolds@enviro-intel.com.
Los Angeles Office:
Fine Arts Building
811 W. 7th St, 10th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (424) 263-9359
Fax: (949) 497-2971
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