Hannah Newby comes to EI with 10 years of GIS experience from both private and public sectors. During her several years at CAL FIRE, Hannah maintained all essential databases for her local unit’s Emergency Response, Fuel Reduction, and Pre-Fire Planning projects, as well as provided GIS support statewide to some of the state’s largest and most devastating wildfire events.
Prior to CAL FIRE Hannah functioned as a GIS Technician in the private environmental and engineering consulting sector. Hannah performed data analysis and created map products and graphics to support Biology, Archaeology, and CEQA/NEPA for Energy, Planning and Urban Design and Pipeline projects among many more.
Hannah comes experienced in data analysis, cartography, GPS post-processing, database maintenance, and data visualization. Hannah is centered out of our Laguna Beach office and can be reached at HannahNewby@enviro-intel.com.
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