Environmental Intelligence, LLC (EI) is excited to announce that Robert Fletcher has joined our team to help direct EI’s major environmental compliance programs and long-term projects. Rob has spent the majority of his 13-year career at San Diego Gas &Electric (SDG&E) as a Project Manager (Major Projects) and Team Lead (Environmental Programs) for SDG&E’s Natural Resource and Cultural Resource Departments. At these positions Rob oversaw large scale utility infrastructure developments as well as multi-year environmental On-call contracts for environmental and engineering consultants. Rob is an expert with CEQA and CPUC regulations and has negotiated programmatic permits with federal, State and local resource protection agencies. Rob is an excellent cultural fit with EI’s growing team and will provide EI’s utility and renewable energy clients with invaluable knowledge and insights. Rob can be reached at RobertFletcher@enviro-intel.com. Please feel free to reach out to Rob and congratulate him on joining one of California’s premier environmental compliance and
permitting firms.
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