Travis Kegel
Project Manager, Laguna Beach Office
Travis Kegel is a biologist and experienced project manager with 9 years of experience in the environmental consulting field with a broad-based scientific and regulatory background. His experience includes numerous biological resource assessments, wetland delineations, constraints analyses, conducting focused protocol surveys pursuant to the USFWS and various NCCPs/HCPs, preparing technical sections in compliance with CEQA and NEPA requirements, and acquiring Federal and State environmental permits including Clean Water Act Section 401, 404 and California Department of Fish and Game Section 1602 agreements. He also has extensive experience in mitigation planning and monitoring. In addition and in concert with his biological work, Mr. Kegel has formulated numerous project-specific GIS analysis for environmental planning, land use planning, wetland delineations, construction impacts, and biological surveys. Mr. Kegel’s background includes extensive service to energy utilities, solar developers, pipeline groups, rail service providers, water districts, cities, as well as residential and commercial land developers throughout southern California.