We are pleased to announce that Yvette Noir has joined the Environmental Intelligence (EI) team. Yvette is a planning professional with 10 years experience in environmental, entitlement, and land planning which includes researching, writing, and managing various environmental analysis documents for a variety of large-scale utility, private development, and public infrastructure projects. She has extensive experience in the preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)-compliant initial studies, mitigated negative declarations, addendums, and environmental impact reports. She also has experience in the preparation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)-compliant environmental assessments and environmental impact statements. She has conducted research and analysis for discretionary reviews of requested entitlements—such as Use Permits, Tentative Maps, General Plan Amendments, and Rezones—for an array of projects, including housing, commercial, fire stations, and other public facilities. These experiences also include assisting in the development of public policy and long-range planning documentation for public agencies and serving as a representative at planning commission hearings. Yvette will be based out of our new Downtown San Diego office and can be reached at YvetteNoir@enviro-intel.com.
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